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Grupa Baby

Gradinita noastra preda orele de curs in limba Germana la nivel matern exclusiv, fiind autorizati de Ministerul Educatiei

Apreciem în mod deosebit jocul cooperativ, însă acesta trebuie să fie învățat, să apeleze la instinctele sociale… Cea mai eficientă metodă pentru a realiza acest lucru este prin imitarea a ceea ce observăm. De aceea, învățătoarele și educatoarele noastre exemplifică jocul și cooperarea ori de câte ori este posibil, astfel încât copiii să înțeleagă cum se desfășoară. A ceda rândul, a acționa cu delicatețe, a vorbi cu amabilitate: toate acestea sunt exemple de încurajare pozitivă. În curând, jocul va începe să reducă tensiunile sociale ca rezultat.

Începem cu perioade scurte de separare, deoarece copiii au nevoie să aibă încredere că parintele lor se va întoarce. Acest lucru construiește încredere și înțelegere reciprocă. Odată ce aceste perioade scurte devin normale, extindem durata separării. Un obiect de confort de acasă adesea ajută, cum ar fi o pătură, o jucărie sau un ursuleț de pluș.

Este normal ca un copil să plângă în timpul primei sale perioade de semi-independență la grădiniță. Vă rugăm să aveți în vedere că aceasta este o reacție naturală și sănătoasă la dragostea pe care le-ați oferit-o până acum… În ceea ce privește tranzițiile și promovările, elaborăm, de asemenea, un plan adaptat la trăsăturile de personalitate ale fiecărui copil.

You may drop your child off in the school driveway as early as 7:30 am, 20 minutes before school. Kindergarten students meet and line up on the Kindergarten playground before school. Supervision is provided on the Kindergarten playground every morning. We recommend that parents walk their Kindergarteners to the playground for at least the first few days of school. Park on the street or in the lot at St. James Church and walk your child into the kindergarten playground. Additional information is available on our Arrival and Dismissal Procedures page.


All children will be walked to the pick up lines under the shade structure on the east side of the parking lot. Children will be supervised at all times. You may either wait in the car line for driveway pick up or park your car in on the street or in the St. James lot and walk to pick up your child. Please wait outside for your child.
Breakfast is served in the cafeteria every morning starting at 7:10 am. Children may bring a healthy snack to eat during morning recess, around 9:30 am. Kindergarten lunch time is 11:00 am. Students may purchase lunch from the cafeteria or bring a healthy lunch from home. Breakfast costs $1.25, lunch is $2.25, milk is $.35 and juice is $.30. You are welcome to pay ahead; just visit the cafeteria before school to set up your child’s account. Additional information is available on our Cafeteria page.
Uniforms consist of khaki or navy blue bottoms and a white, light blue or navy polo or dress shirt. Jackets of any kind may be worn. You can purchase uniforms at the PTA uniform sale before the first day of school, or at any major retailer, including Target, Sears, JCPenney, WalMart, The Children’s Place and Land’s End. Additional information is available on our School Uniforms page.
We have a School Nurse or Health Clerk on campus 5 days/week. Your child will be evaluated and treated immediately. You will be called right away if the injury is severe, or if your child needs to go home due to illness. Additional information is available on our Health Office page.


We use fun, research-based, multi-sensory strategies to help children develop early learning skills, including Lively Letters, Open Court for phonics and literacy, Handwriting Without Tears, and Everyday Math. We use Responsive Classroom as the basis for our social and emotional learning curriculum throughout the school.
It is strongly encouraged that all children starting in Preschool, except for those entering the Toddler program, be potty-trained. However, it is not required.
At Skole, only children who stay for Creative Afternoons will have a rest period after lunch. At the Elementary School, Kindergarten students have a rest time after lunch, which often includes a read aloud story time.

Parents can access information instantly about their child(ren)’s classroom activities, schedule, and plans through our Skole Portal, which also provides access to family contact information and is where parents can update emergency contacts or the list of individuals allowed to pick up their child(ren). In addition to class specific information, all school events, notices, weekly newsletters from classroom teachers, monthly newsletters from specials teachers, Parent Association news and minutes, directory listings, school calendars, and photos live on the secure Parent Portal. In the higher grades at the Elementary School, parents can also see students’ homework assignments and test dates on the Parent Portal. In addition, we host numerous informational events for families throughout the year and send out Schoolroom Notes, our bi-annual all school newsletter, and our annual report.


Yes, all of our Kindergarten rooms are clustered together, on the first floor, in the main building.
Kindergarten students have their own playground on the west side of the building, facing Pepper Drive. The gate on this side of the campus is locked at all times. All three kindergarten classes have lunch and recess together.

All class lists will be posted at the PTA social on the afternoon before school starts in August. They will also be accessible at the front door facing Washington Boulevard overnight.

You may drop your child off in the school driveway as early as 7:30 am, 20 minutes before school. Kindergarten students meet and line up on the Kindergarten playground before school. Supervision is provided on the Kindergarten playground every morning. We recommend that parents walk their Kindergarteners to the playground for at least the first few days of school. Park on the street or in the lot at St. James Church and walk your child into the kindergarten playground. Additional information is available on our Arrival and Dismissal Procedures page.

Flex Care

Skole’s certified teachers design specific curriculum, so kids get structure and socialization! Our teachers are loving, attentive, smart and cater to the group!

Our locations have both different hours and different services, but all have flex care for the ease of parents! Skole: Skole: Los Angeles currently do not offer traditional full time care. Skole: Los Angeles’ part time is 20 hours a week. Skole: NE Portland has traditional full time and flex care services available. We do not accept infants after 6pm at our Oregon locations.

All class lists will be posted at the PTA social on the afternoon before school starts in August. They will also be accessible at the front door facing Washington Boulevard overnight.

For Oregon, you do not need to bring them in for Drop-in, but do require them for Full Time. But it’s great if you can bring them in for us. We do require vaccinations. For LA, both immunization records and vaccinations are required whether or not you are using Drop-in or Full Time. Skole’s immunization rates are here and you can find the Multnomah County Immunization Rates here, Clackamas County here, and Washington County here.

Art Program

Yes, all of our Kindergarten rooms are clustered together, on the first floor, in the main building.
Kindergarten students have their own playground on the west side of the building, facing Pepper Drive. The gate on this side of the campus is locked at all times. All three kindergarten classes have lunch and recess together.

All class lists will be posted at the PTA social on the afternoon before school starts in August. They will also be accessible at the front door facing Washington Boulevard overnight.

You may drop your child off in the school driveway as early as 7:30 am, 20 minutes before school. Kindergarten students meet and line up on the Kindergarten playground before school. Supervision is provided on the Kindergarten playground every morning. We recommend that parents walk their Kindergarteners to the playground for at least the first few days of school. Park on the street or in the lot at St. James Church and walk your child into the kindergarten playground. Additional information is available on our Arrival and Dismissal Procedures page.